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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Under God???

So, who knew that the pledge of allegiance was altered in the 1950's to add the words "under god". Yes, thats right, before the 1950's the pledge did not include "under god"!!!!

Congress amended the pledge in the 1950's during the Mccarthy communism hearings as a response to those godless communists. isnt that amazing?????

God is not mentioned in the constitution because the founders of our country wanted a secular government, untied to any religion. Lets change the pledge back to its original form.

Winter Solstice Party in Three Days

Get ready. Its going to be a blast. Everyone is invited. Email me at if you need directions. Starts at 12 noon until evening hours.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Email Post


here is one response from an old friend


Most days I believe I know but others are clouded with the injustice of business deals and inadequate presidents and hopefuls. Dismayed as I may be with the societal toilet flush we are in, I still do have some faith that I call upon when in desperate times and occasionally my request is answered, and as to why I get the answer is a matter of blind faith or coincidence. Not really sure but as I get older and climb toward that ultimate last dance of life, and the question what happens after the heart stops beating, I almost need to believe in that life after death, and that brings me back to Faith, blind as it may be, its what I need to believe. Faith has no science to prove it, only some history of a man that walked the earth 2000 yrs ago protesting the establishment and wanted change. Change he got, so with that, live and let live

Being atheist is your 100% right as an American and I respect your thought process because having faith is a little hard these days. So what do you say at Christmas time, Happy non believer day? If so , I wish you the best of those days this year on whatever day that it lands on. Take care


Response to an email

hello, thanks for your email. yes, i had previously read that essay by ben stein.

im afraid that Ben Stein and i do not agree on much at all. I believe that Ben deludes himself and clearly does not understand what is meant by seperation of church and state.

he makes senseless statements like
" I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. Ihave no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat."

in fact, nobody is saying that we are an atheist country. what many people like myself are saying is that we are neither an atheist country or a theist country. All we ask is that people without religious faith be treated equally under the law and constitution. The constitution does not mention god, judiasm or christianity.

People like Ben Stein are scared. From a rational intellectual viewpoint they know that their theistic beliefs are unfounded while at the same time they see believers all over the world acting in the most horrific, irrational, and immoral ways. Ben is caught between lining himself up with the fundamentalists of every stripe on one side and non-believers on the other side.

I know which side of the fence i am on. do you??

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter Solstice Party

So it is one week until the big Winter Solstice Party on Sunday Dec 21.

Brunch begins at noon and will continue into the night hours.

There will be a lecture on the pagan roots of the christmas holiday at 3pm - just kidding!!

Hope everyone can make it.
