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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Israel, Gaza, and the Jewish State

Since 1948 Israel has maintained a Jewish State through military occupation and ethnic cleansing. Since 1948 the palestinians and their muslim breathren have used murder and war to avenge their humiliation. Because the Jewish democracy/theocracy, free for jews or not, has had the support of the west it maintains the upper hand. While Israel practices the ethics of the west it cannot shed its own humiliation, that is its own illegitimate birth at the expense of the palestinians. Without reviewing all the reasons and need for israel's birth, their burden can only be shed by accepting all the peoples of palestine as equals and creating a truly democratic government. Sadly, those of religious fervor in Israel have made it their holy duty to insure a Jewish State reigns, and a third temple built. The islamic jihad of Muhammed, to their shame, have only made it easier for Israel's zealots to succeed.

The only option for Israel is one country, jews and muslims, palestinians and israelis, free, democratic, and messy. The alternative reminds me of the Maccabees at Masada. Who will play the role of the Maccabees and when I do not know. I do hope we can avoid it.


Anonymous said...

Your "solution" is very simplistic. Neither part will ever accept all the demands of the other part. Both sides claim that God is on their side and that the final victory wil be theirs. This is merely a religious dispute using a little piece of land as an excuse. This conflict is the direct result of a world full of God. I couldn't care less about the outcome of the fighting between these savages.

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