Anton James Becker's Facebook profile

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Anton's response to Lisa


Thank you for your response.

You are wrong about my willingness to accept god. There are many ways in which god could convince me that he exists. If god existed and he really wanted everyone to accept him he could arrive on earth and perform miracles that would conclusively show he was real. how about stopping the earth from moving around the sun or spinning on its axis. how about changing gravity, or bringing my grandparents back or lots of things that we all could agree on were miracles. It is easy for god to show he really exists.

Instead of having a portion of people reject god outright, as i do, or have people worship all types of gods and goddesses rather than his kid jesus, he could easily have all of us basking in his glory, but, alas, he does not, why. because he does not exist of course.

The possible evidence you said you might present is quite weak. 2000 year old rumors and propaganda and extraordinary coincidences really do not amount to much evidence at all, roughly equivalent to the con man joe smith you describe and many other religions. There is no significant evidence that any god actually existed, and yet all god has to do is come down and levitate obama on jan 20 and we will all believe.

This leaves you with nothing but faith. You describe in your email what is called pascals wager. It is a good bet to believe as if there is a god since if he does exist you will go to heaven and if not then you will simply die. But if you dont believe and he exists you have eternal damnation. Yes, this is a childs game. I would reject any god, despite evidence, if he really did damn people for eternity. I mean that is pretty sick, creating people, not showing real evidence that you exist, and then damning people if they do not believe in you.

Just the fact that you mention damnation should show you what an inconsistent and cruel god you choose to believe in. Think of your family and of all the things they might do yet you would still love them, and never, ever, condemn them. Do you consider yourself more loving than your god??


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