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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Peace Train

The following is a response to a friend of mine where we were discussing recent trends in american politics


yes, people generally become more conservative as they age. Recently though, the percentage of 20’s and 30’s voting democratic has been higher than ever and those voting republican have become older and older so recent trends are not representative of simply people getting older. I would add that people who become more conservative as they age may not be doing so because of wisdom, but because the aging process typically brings out fear, caution and pessimism (typical conservative psychology) as we approach the end of our lives. Sadly, we are all affected by these life changes. As to your wonderful exceptional daughters I dispute your characterization that they are conservative republicans, but are most likely moderates and hold a wide range of views.

Socialism has generally succeeded wherever it has been implemented. It is communism and Marxism which has failed. Please make note of the European community which despite their problems has a standard of living similar to the united states and in fact some countries which are ‘more’ socialistic such as Scandinavian states have the highest standard of living in the world. In fact, and especially since the 1930’s and FDR, the united states itself has been a socialistic country. Government spending as a percentage of GDP has been about 22% while the most socialistic countries of Europe are about 40%. It is true that European countries are actually attempting to reduce this figure below 40% while the US is headed to about 30-35% as our population ages and medicare and social security become even more predominant. Bottom line here is that anyone who thinks that the US and other traditionally ‘socialistic’ countries are different animals is fooling themselves.

Finally, you are right. It is ridiculous of me to call all Republicans ignorant and prejudiced. Hell, I know some liberals and democrats who are equally ignorant and prejudiced. My pain point here is that the train is leaving the station. Our country has moved through history on the cutting edge of social and economic change, and change generally for the better. We were founded as we cut our ties to an illegitimate monarchy, we established a constitution declaring the rule of law to be greater than any man or god, we went thru hell establishing that all men were free, we sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lives to keep us free, and now we are on the cusp of allowing all free men to be treated with dignity and respect as we insure everyone has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As a people this means everyone has access to a full and complete education, that everyone has full access to healthcare, and that everyone has the right to be free of discrimination because of their race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. In return everyone has the responsibility to take part in our political process. Like our formerly Christian, now muslim, Cat Stevens, I call it our Peace Train. For those who choose not to board this train I feel sorry. History is passing you by. Don’t let ignorance and prejudice prevent you from taking that step up. Come on, Get on board, come on the Peace Train.!!!


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